Wednesday, October 8, 2008

things have been crazy the past few days I am not even sure where to begin. First my friend justin and I were supposed to go visit another volunteer.We were put on the wrong bus and ended up in the wrong town in the middle of no where eventually we figured it out but it took about three hours longer then it should have. anyways the volunteer we visited has a real kick ass site. he works with an eco tourism organization called 27 waterfalls. Basically guides take you up the waterfalls and then you get to jump down them. We got to do twelve of them and it was absolutely amazing. It was a pretty intense experience. Monday I a found a scorpion in my bed, and by found i mean got stuck by it. Didn´t hurt that much but needless to say it was quite a shock to turn the lights on and find that sucker crawling up my mosquitero. Those suckers are difficult to kill too. Yesterday the whole group went on a beautiful hike up through some mountains to this gorgeous waterfall where we got to go swimming. That is my job right now, sure is more exciting then pushing papers. Training is slowly but surely coming to an end, I am looking forward to the day when we are in our sites and done with classes

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